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Photo Gallery
See here for winners of the PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION
Fancy dress competitors
Home made cider
"Ferret in a bin" - guess which exit he will take!
The ferret goes in....
...and emerges from No 3.
Bat the rat.
Time for tea on the terrace...
It's hard to ignore Dudley...
...but he finally gets his share.
Photo: Catherine Pettman-Flippence
Egg (uncooked) throwing competition...very close to begin with...
....but those who still have their eggs intact have to move farther apart.
A potential slip fielder?
The winners!
This is Monty (the one sitting down)...
The challenge is taken up...
...but the competitor soon "considers his position".
Photographic competition judge
compliments the entrants and reveals the winners..
...including Jamie in the yellow tee shirt...
...and Jo, clearly taken aback!
Early evening and time for the live band.
Appreciative spectators.
Time for the barbecue, salads and fresh strawberries.
The "Auction of Promises" Team.
Auctioneer No. 1.
A prompt bid.
Auctioneer No. 2
A winner's details are recorded.
The final "Lot"
a famous street plaque signed by the cast of "East Enders".